As a real estate agent on the SetSchedule platform, you have the ability to use the Referral Radar in order to accept real estate leads aggregated from SetSchedule lead vendor partners. Before you can accept a lead from the Referral Radar, you need to have the right profession added to your account. 

  1. Please click the link to take you to SetSchedule’s sign-in page: Sign In.

  2. Once on the home screen, a ‘Welcome to the Referral Radar’ pop-up window will show. Click GET STARTED. 

3. After clicking GET STARTED, you will be routed to the Referral Radar and a pop-up window will appear wherein you will have to enter your phone number. 

NOTE: If you do not see the Referral Radar, review this article to ensure you have added the right profession to your SetSchedule account.

4. Enter your phone number and click ‘Next’. A verification code will then be sent to your phone number.

5. Once you have entered the verification code, click ‘Verify

6. When you click on a lead after the verification, a pop-up window will appear where you will see the details of the lead. 

7. Click ‘TAKE THIS LEAD’ and it will ask you to enter the method of payment. You will have two options, ‘Use Allotment or Use Credit/Debit Card’. Check the option that applies to you. 

8. For starter users, in order for you to proceed with claiming the lead, check off the SetSchedule Referral Fee Agreement box below the preferred payment method. 

NOTE: This will only appear when it’s your first time taking a lead. 

9. Click ‘CONFIRM PURCHASE’ and it will take you to a window that confirms your purchase is a SUCCESS. Click the ‘VIEW THIS OPPORTUNITY’ go to your CRM and view the opportunity details. 

As always, should you require assistance, please reach out to our technical support team by emailing or chat with us online.