Once you’ve signed in to your SetSchedule account, simply follow the steps below.

  1. Click the ‘Menu’ tool on the bottom navigation panel of your screen.

  1. Click the ‘Settings’.

  1. On the ‘Settings’ page, click ‘SUBSCRIPTIONS’.

  1. It will then take you to a page where you can see the details of your RED subscription.

  1. Click the dropdown arrow and the ‘CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION’ will appear. 

  1. Once you clicked on ‘CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION’, a validation question will appear on the screen. Scroll down to review the opportunities that you will lose when you cancel the RED subscription. 

7. You still have a chance to change your mind about canceling the subscription by clicking the ‘Back’ button. If you click ‘Continue’, you will be taken to the cancellation confirmation page.


8. Click ‘Yes, I Want to Cancel’ and it will take you to the feedback page. The validity of your subscription will also be indicated on the page. Simply click on any of the buttons to tell us your reason for leaving or you can leave a note. In case you decide to continue with your subscription, click the ‘Nevermind’ button. Otherwise, click ‘Cancel RED Subscription’.

9. Once you have clicked ‘Cancel RED Subscription’, you will see a confirmation that your RED subscription has been canceled. The remaining days of your subscription will also be indicated in the confirmation window. Hit ‘Done’ to close the window.

As always, should you need further assistance please contact us at [email protected] or chat with us online.