If you have created a post and decide you want to delete it, you can follow these steps to do so:

  1. Please click the link to take you to SetSchedule’s sign in page: Sign In.
  2. Click on HOME from the top navigation menu. 

  3. Click on your name on the top left corner of the screen and you will get taken to your Profile page. 

  4. Find the post you want to delete by scrolling down on the MY ACTIVITY section. 

  5. Once you find the post in question, click on the three dots on the far right of the screen. Click on the DELETE option. 

  6. When you click on DELETE, a confirmation popup will appear. Click on YES, DELETE in order to delete the post. 

  7. The post should now disappear from your MY ACTIVITY section as it has been deleted.
    As always, should you require assistance, please reach out to your technical support team by emailing [email protected] or chat with us online.