When using the SetSchedule CRM, you have the ability to update your opportunities so they are in the Archive. You can follow these steps to un-archive an opportunity: 

  1. Please click the link to take you to SetSchedule’s sign in page: Sign In.
  2. Click on the CRM option from the top navigation menu. 
  3. Check your filter - make sure that the ARCHIVE option is selected so you are able to view opportunities you have archived. 
  4. Click on the Archived Opportunity you would like to update - you will then be taken to the OPPORTUNITY DETAILS page. 
  5. On this page, click on the QUICK ACTION option. 
  6. In the QUICK ACTION interface, set WHAT'S NEXT? to either CALL or MEETING - set an action date, then click on SAVE
  7. Once completed, this opportunity will once again be an active opportunity instead of an archived opportunity.  
  8. As always, should you need further assistance please contact us at 

    [email protected] or chat with us online.