When on the Referral Radar, you will be able to view your available Lead Allotment in the lead allotment drawer. Follow these steps to do so: 

  1. Please click the link to take you to SetSchedule's sign in page: Sign In. 
  2. Click on the Referral Radar option from the top navigation menu. 
  3. On the bottom left corner of the screen, click on the LEAD ALLOTMENTS: LEADS drawer at the bottom of the leads list. 
  4. Once you click on the drawer, it will expand to show your available lead allotment and their sources.
  5. If you have 0 allotment available but are interested in gaining access to lead allotment for the Referral Radar, you can click on either of the buttons below the PREMIUM LICENSING OPTIONS to gain additional information on how to access your own lead allotment. 
  6. As always, should you need further assistance please contact us at [email protected] or chat with us online.